The Pervert
March 2010
Acrylic on canvas
100cm x 100cm
Painted with fingers and kitchen knives, These are the first two in a series which represent humanity as skeletons, moving about each other, all interacting and connecting, but in a way we're all just one thing.
The images I use are always quite literal, they look like breasts, not because they are supposed to hint at breasts, because they are breasts and I am representing sex or feeding the idea of devouring or being devoured is often a common theme that goes through my head when painting.

The Apple Bobber
March 2010
Acrylic on canvas
100cm x 100cm
I first used the symbol of the apple to represent life in It's simplest form, we eat the apple, we live to grow the apples which we then devour so we can live so we can then return it into the ground, so we can grow the apples... to live... etc. (it's a cycle comprendez vous?)
So I began this picture with life dangled on a string, the skeleton dancing around it.