Wednesday, October 31, 2012

So what this c***'s doing now!

So I planned to have these guys out before the month began, but I'll be off by a day... That's right I didn't hear anyone give a fuck!

Basically I am relaunching my dick dolls as a public art/ treasure hunt game for freaks like me who think dolls with big dicks are cool!

But what you need to do to get involved is go to:

This is where you can find out where to find them and where to post pictures once you do!

Also a big thanks to Adelaide Magazine for the amazing article they did on me!


So what this c***'s been up to (continued)

Also I have painted this baby, which is pretty fab, I was doing it for the Graham F Smith Peace Foundation dinner and silent art auction, but turns out the paint is STILL wet. So now it's just at home waiting to be hung somewhere, you want it???

So what this c***'s been up to!

So I havn't posted on here in a while, well! I've been working on a few projects that are coming up.
Also I was commissioned to do a couple of pictures for Marble Bar in Adelaide CBD (I'll take better pictures when they are up which should be V soon!)